var $root = $('html, body'); function infoAggiornate(e) { swal({ type: 'success', text: e, timer: 1500, showConfirmButton: false }) } $(document).ready(function () { if ($("#contattiForm").length > 0) { // needs for recaptacha ready grecaptcha.ready(function () { // do request for recaptcha token // response is promise with passed token $('#contattiForm').parsley().on('form:error', function () { swal({ title: "Errore", text: "Per procedere รจ necessario completare tutti i campi obbligatori", type: "error", showConfirmButton: true }); }).on('form:submit', function () { $('#contattiForm').find('button[type=submit]').prop('disabled', true); grecaptcha.execute('6LdqJWcaAAAAADSVjs0pz58oA3cFjNbW-giW_LwS', {action: 'homepage'}) .then(function (token) { // add token to form document.getElementById('g-recaptcha-response').value = token; form = $('#contattiForm'); $.ajax({ url: "", type: "POST", data: form.serialize(), success: function (data) { if (data.status == "success") { infoAggiornate(data.message); setTimeout(function () { window.location = '' }, 2000); } else if (data.status == "error") { swal({ title: "Errore", text: data.message, type: "error", showConfirmButton: true }); $('#contattiForm').find('button[type=submit]').prop('disabled', false); return false; } }, }); }); return false; }); }); } $( '.fancy' ).fancybox({ thumbs : { autoStart : true, axis: "y" // Vertical (y) or horizontal (x) scrolling }, // Enable keyboard navigation keyboard: true, slideShow: { autoStart: false, speed: 3000 } }); // Load more data $('.load-more').click(function(){ var close =$(this).closest('.row'); var row = Number(close.find('#row').val()); var allcount = Number(close.find('#all').val()); var rowperpage = 8; row = row + rowperpage; if(row <= allcount){ $(".portfolio-wrapper").isotope({ layoutMode : 'masonry' }); close.find("#row").val(row); $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'post', data: {row:row,quante:rowperpage}, beforeSend:function(){ close.find(".load-more").text("Caricamento..."); }, success: function(response){ // Setting little delay while displaying new content setTimeout(function() { // appending posts after last post with class="post" newItems = $(response).appendTo(close.find('.portfolio-grid')); newItems.imagesLoaded(function(){ close.find(".portfolio-grid").isotope('appended', newItems ); }); var rowno = row + rowperpage; // checking row value is greater than allcount or not if(rowno > allcount){ // Change the text and background close.find('.load-more').hide(); //$('.load-more').css("background","darkorchid"); }else{ close.find(".load-more").text("Visualizza altri"); } $( '.fancy' ).fancybox({ thumbs : { autoStart : true, axis: "y" // Vertical (y) or horizontal (x) scrolling }, // Enable keyboard navigation keyboard: true, slideShow: { autoStart: false, speed: 3000 } }); }, 100); } }); }else{ close.find('.load-more').text("Caricamento..."); // Setting little delay while removing contents setTimeout(function() { // Reset the value of row close.find("#row").val(0); // Change the text and background close.find('.load-more').text("Visualizza altri"); }, 2000); } }); /* Check if the users browser supports these features */ const enhance = 'querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in window && 'classList' in document.documentElement; /* If the users browser browser supports the features we need, remove the no-enhance class from the html element and execute our video JS */ if(enhance) { document.documentElement.classList.remove('no-enhance'); /* Find all video molecules and instantiate a new instance of the Video class */ const videos = document.querySelectorAll('.js-video'); Array.from(videos).forEach(function(video) { const videoEl = new Video(video); }); } }); class Video { constructor(video) { this.videoContainer = video; = this.videoContainer.querySelector('.js-video-video'); this.playButton = this.videoContainer.querySelector('.js-video-play-button'); this.pauseButton = this.videoContainer.querySelector('.js-video-pause-button'); this.prefersReducedMotion(); this.addEventListeners(); } prefersReducedMotion() { /* If the users browser supports reduced motion and the user has set it to true, remove the autoplay attribute from the video and pause it */ if(matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)').matches) {'autoplay'); this.pauseVideo(); } } playVideo() {; /* Set the play button as pressed so it's hidden and the pause button is displayed instead */ this.playButton.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'true'); this.pauseButton.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'false'); } pauseVideo() {; /* Set the pause button as pressed so it’s hidden and the play button is displayed instead */ this.playButton.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'false'); this.pauseButton.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'true'); } addEventListeners() { this.playButton.addEventListener('click', function() { this.playVideo(); /* Focus the pause button so keyboard users can immediately pause the video without having to tab away and back again */ this.pauseButton.focus(); }); this.pauseButton.addEventListener('click', function() { this.pauseVideo(); /* Focus the play button so keyboard users can immediately play the video without having to tab away and back again */ this.playButton.focus(); }); } }